The Science

How does Nascate’s technology work?

We combine client and publicly available data with our proprietary AI and segmentation techniques to rapidly deliver the specific solutions you need to advance your value-based care.

Comprehensive Data from Multiple Sources

Nascate leverages all available data on each patient, including clinical, social, demographic, geographic, and client data along with that which is publicly available.

Client-Provided Clinical Data

Client-Provided Clinical Data

Client-Provided Clinical Data

All available information on each member or patient.

Social Determinants of Health

Social Determinants of Health

Social Determinants of Health

A person’s physical environment, socio-economic factors, utilization data, number of providers, health behavior, and more.

Claims Data

Claims Data

Claims Data

Payer claims data, as well as Medicare claims where appropriate. As a Medicare Qualified Entity, Nascate is able to receive this data under Parts A, B, and D.

Publicly Available Information

Publicly Available Information

Publicly Available Information

Demographics, geographical and zip code-specific information, census data, deprivation index, and more.

Other Available Client Data

Other Available Client Data

Other Available Client Data

This includes admit and discharge details, when possible.


Nascate’s ongoing consultative services include strategy to help you translate data into intelligence and insights, implementation, and continued support. We’ll work with you to develop solutions, advise on best practices, and ensure that you’re positioned to evolve your value-based care models as needed.

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